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不動産鑑定・コンサルティング・情報分析 ハイビックス株式会社

ASEAN経済共同体が及ぼす不動産ビジネスの今後 : ASEAN economic community and the impact on the real estate business

The launch of the ASEAN economic community by the end of 2015


In recent years, the Southeast Asian countries have accomplished remarkable economic growth. ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), consisting of 10 countries in Southeast Asia, will launch the ASEAN economic community (AEC) by the end of 2015. ASEAN member countries are working toward the total elimination of import duties on all products to achieve the objective of a free trade area.

Economic development by the progress of AEC

AECの発足後は、段階的で制約はあるだろうが域内の関税撤廃、貿易、投資の自由化により、ヒト、モノ、カネの行き来が自由になる。この経済圏では人口は約6億4千万人という規模になりEU27ヶ国でも約5億3000万人であることから考えても巨大なマーケットになるといえるであろう。日系企業のASEAN諸国への海外進出はすでに自動車会社などの製造業では人権費の安さや豊富な労働力を背景に活発だが、今後は製造拠点としてだけでなくアジア各国での中間所得層の拡大などによりマーケットとしても魅力的なエリアとなるのは間違いないであろう。 さらにAECの統合による物流面での優位性(メコン地域での大陸横断が可能になる)により中国、日本、韓国、インド、オセアニア等の周辺各国との貿易が活性化し、長期的な経済発展が考えられる。

After the start of AEC, free flow of goods, services, investment, skilled labor, and capital can be gradually achieved through the elimination of tariffs and liberalization of the investment. AEC becomes a huge market with the population of about 640 million in this economic area. Overseas expansion of Japanese companies in ASEAN countries has already been active especially in the manufacturing industry by taking advantage of low labor cost and abundant workforce.  The rapidly growing middle -class in each Asian country would make this area attractive not only as a production base but also as a significant consumer market.  Furthermore, The unified ASEAN market will provide businesses with seamless access to a market and this could improve regional connectivity in terms of transport networks.  The integration of the regional economy will activate trade with surrounding countries, such as China, Japan, Korea, and India, and it will lead a long-term economic development.

Prospects of the real estate business in the ASEAN region


Japanese companies which consider overseas expansion even in the real estate business field should strengthen the relationship between such fast-growing Southeast Asian countries. It would be more important to provide local workers as well as Japanese employees with real estate service.  Japanese attentive service and great hospitality for the long-term residents from Japan could also be the special features in the field of real estate business.