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不動産鑑定・コンサルティング・情報分析 ハイビックス株式会社

世界主要23都市の中で、2016年上半期に最も高価格な高層階の年間オフィス賃貸料は香港で、5.9%上昇の1平米あたり2996米ドルとなった。次に高いのはマンハッタンの高層ビル群で1.9%増加し$ 1、701に、続いて東京とロンドンがそれぞれ$ 1、610と$ 1、226だった。(不動産ブローカー、ナイト・フランク社が発表した23都市価格指数より)

In the first half of 2016, the most expensive market of annual rents on the upper floors in the world’s major cities was Hong Kong, according to a 23-city index released by Knight Frank LLP. The rents fee rose by 5.9 percent to $2,996 per square meter. The second-highest Manhattan, New York skyscraper rents increased 1.9 percent to $1,701 per square meter. Tokyo and the City of London district were $1,610 and $1,226 respectively.


The biggest increase rate of rents was in Shanghai. It rose by 7.6 percent to $774. The consistent demand for office space in Shanghai has been expanded by development of technology and creative industries. Those industry fields have employed 300,000 since 2009 and is expected to create 100,000 more by 2020.


On the other hand, the lowering of the Singapore’s high-rise office rents by economic slowdown is remarkable in world’s major cities. The rents fee declined 7 percent to about $775 per square meter in the first six months of 2016. Singapore office vacancy rate in the second quarter was 9 percent compared with 3.3 percent in Shanghai, the Knight Frank report said.